Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Freedom of Speech

Well, I know it's been a lonnnng time since I've posted on here...but I had to get this off my chest! I am so SICK and TIRED of hypocritical Christians using the Old Testament to defend their hateful actions. 

In response to someone's comment on another friend's link about the recent Duck Dynasty that "liberals can't even entertain the thought or expression of traditional Judeo Christian values," I wrote the response below. I am in no way a theological expert, but as a devout follower of Christ (God, I don't even want to use the term Christian anymore because of how the Fundamentalists have hijacked the term), my response to such an IGNORANT comment is as follows...

-- There is NOTHING "traditionally Judeo Christian" in the vile and hateful words that spewed from that man's mouth! EVEN if you're a biblical literalist (and let's face one really is because you can't pick out a statement from Leviticus about a man lying with another man, but ignore the banning of poly-cotton blends or the consumption of shellfish - or perhaps the Old Testament's acceptance and encouragement of stoning a "sinful" woman and selling daughters for livestock), believing homosexuality is a sin is ENTIRELY different from using hateful and vulgar language, essentially at work! Believe whatever the hell you want - but do NOT pretend that this Christ you're so devoted to would be PROUD of this kind of hate. Remember Jesus? Yeah - the guy who said that we are all created in God's image...the guy who gave us one rule: to love our neighbors as ourselves...the guy who said "whatsoever you do unto the least of my people, you do unto me?!?!?" Maybe these fundamental "Christians should focus more on the teachings of CHRIST!!!!! --