Friday, February 22, 2013



TGIF!!! As a SAHM, the days sort of run together...I don't get days off. No PTO, no vacation, no sick days. Just 24/7 of being a mom. And, please - don't get me wrong! I love being a SAHM...but everyone needs a break now and then, right? Or am I just a crappy mom? 

Anyway, this is why I love Fridays - my hubby gets off work at 12:30pm and so not only do I have him home for the next two days, I get him for most of Friday too! Woo-Hoo! :)

#5 - Gabi and Amelia have been sick all week; but their fevers are gone and I'm wiping the snot from their noses less and less every day!

#4 - On Monday, I colored my own hair. I wanted it to match my roots. And it does...I just didn't realize that, at some point, my roots turned pretty much black! Yeah, so now I have a head of black, goth-looking hair; rather than the dark brown I was going for. Good news is - after a few washes, it's not as harsh and it's growing on me. :)

#3 - As every week passes, my husband is closer and closer to being done with school! This is his last 5-week session, and on Sunday, week two will be done! YAY!

#2 - My Bestie and I are going to start doing Pinterest projects and making bulk meals to feed our families throughout the week. I can't wait because, not only will we get a chance to chat and drink wine, but she'll keep me accountable for this goal we've set for ourselves.

#1 - OMG...I'm BLOGGING! This is something I've wanted to do for a long time! Here's why:
* I love writing
* I have way too many thoughts floating around in my head
* My short-term memory sucks
* I want to live in the moment and enjoy the daily things that make up my life


  1. You'll have to share the bulk meals idea with me! That sounds like a good idea!

    1. Will do! Basically we're going to make meals on Sundays that will last us the week. That's the thought, anyway. :)

  2. I agree about days running together! I loved that my profession still had snow days... now every day is a "snow day!"
