Friday, February 22, 2013

I'm the Kinda Girl Who...

...Is crazy about the color purple

...Thinks it's good to laugh at myself

...Can't function without coffee in the morning

...Isn't bothered by a mess & is super unorganized in every aspect

...Craves reading & loves books

...Prefers eating out than eating in

...Cries - a lot

...Gets urges to shop

...Will listen to the same song on repeat several times in a row - same with TV shows

...Laughs when kids do something naughty (out of their sight, of course)

...Still pictures myself as the Ballerina I was in high school

...Misses being on stage

...Wishes I was a doctor or a vet; or a nurse practitioner, physician's assistant, etc

...Dreams of having more kids

...Loves sitting around, eating and drinking wine or cocktails

...Secretly thinks I can sing like a Broadway star

...Needs a good nap now and then

...Wants to go back to school, but fears it's too late

...ADORES animals and believes very strongly in animal rescue and cries at animal cruelty stories

...Sucks at making decisions

...Has impromtu dance parties with my kids - in the living room, kitchen, car - wherever